July 24, 2008


Welcome to the Distribution Newsagency blog. The intention of this blog is to give out news, information and opinion specifically related to Newsagents that focus on Home Delivery and supply to Sub-Agents.

We have our own concerns seperate from retail newsagents, many of which are now off loading their home delivery obligations. We are much more reliant on the small commissions and fee's we can charge than outlets with other revenue streams, and more susceptible to the OH&S compliance and inflationary pressures on delivery costs.

The two initial contributers to this blog are Don Lewis and Ian Wright. Don Lewis is the Director of Newspaper Delivery Solutions which is cuurently operating seven distribution newsagencies, and a board member of the SA branch of the ANF. Ian Wright is a manager at Newspaper Delivery Solutions and has over 12 years experience in the industry.

Together we can all help to maintain legitimacy and sustainability in an industry going through major revision and marginalisation.

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