September 25, 2008

Delivering the Ideal Solution

In The SA Business Journal section of Tuesday's Advertiser (page 44 23/9/2008) this week there is an article profiling Somerton Park Newsagency. Its not on Adelaidenow that I could find so I can't link to the article.

The brief article seems to paint a pretty positive picture of a Distribution Newsagency, especially as it seems to be saying they only work three and a half hours a day. To me it grossly simplifies the duties of a Distribution Newsagency, I guess this gives us a pretty good picture of what ANPL thinks an Agency does and what they are worth.

There are three more profiles to come in following weeks in the SA Business Journal. This is something ANPL has offered to do to help raise the profile of Newsagencies, especially Distribution Newsagencies as they are proving hard to sell at the moment. To come will be a profile on a multi-round Agency, a third generation Newsagent and one more. This was discussed at the MEPC Distribution meeting in August.

It is a good plan, and something positive on offer from ANPL. The article though is quite light, and misleading.

September 19, 2008

'GO YOU REDS' info better late than never?

Information is finally up on connect about the 'GO YOU REDS' BP On The Run promotion. They had a front page article on Wednesdays paper about it before they let the newsagents know.

I guess they think we don't need to know anything as the poor beleaguered area reps are dropping off all the stock, and picking up returns as well. The only thing we get lumbered with is the billing. As we aren't handling the stock at all we can't bill until the final figures appear on our account, so thats great for the cash flow.

Going to Adelaidenow there is nothing on the home page, sports page or soccer page about this promotion that I could see. There is a very poor advertisement at the bottom of page 3 in Friday's Advertiser that gives no information at all about where you can get the t-shirt. The promised list of all participating sites that was supposed to appear in Friday's paper hasn't.

This is the sort of promotion I would have featured on our website if we had had any forewarning.

WHO magazine supply

Big thanks to Gotch for failing to allocate us any supply of Who magazine. It's an auspicious start to the changeover. Extra points for not having any stock available to fix the error as well.